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Willows effect

like the lynx effect but a thousand times stronger. One problem you don't score, or at worst mucked around to the point of heart brake.
(helps if you look like a Danish porn star)

girl of dreams pisses of to France then scores. This leading to big trough in the mental mood sine wave

by Ivan P Spongenuts April 3, 2005

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Siren effect

If one of your friends gets into a new relationship and donΒ΄t show up for the duration of the relationship. Due to the greek mythology of the sirens.

Damnit we lost Jimmy due to the siren effect.

by Stuhlowitz April 8, 2013

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Barney Effect

A person who works at such an insanely fast rate that they are actually ahead of time.

Damn, that dude has the Barney effect on him fo sure.

Check out the Barney effect on that guy.

by VBX555 February 8, 2009

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Mandela Effect

A man made conspiracy theory used by fruity arse niggas that have very awful poor memory but blame it on a parallel universe or similar theories.

Hey Johno Fuck I'm positive I thought "Froot Loops" was spelt "Fruit Loops" it being spelt "Froot Loops" is crazy as fuck cunt - Nah mate you just lost the fucking plot it's always been Froot Loops the Mandela Effect is fake cunt"

by TheOnlyUrbanTruth March 7, 2017

71πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Cobain effect

The cobain effect is when a band experiences a huge boost in popularity after the over-sensationalized death of one of the members. Can also describe and undeserved inflation of respect.

Man who actually lived through the ninties: "Nirvana was mediocre at best"

Teenie Bopper: "WHAT!!! COBAIN IS A GOD!!!"

Man who actually lived through the ninties: "Cobain effect"

by Patho138 April 22, 2007

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The Apple Effect

The effect of a new version of a product being released by apple that is no better than the previous one. Everybody freaks out thinking, "HOLY SHIT, IT'S NEW AND IT'S MADE BY APPLE! LET'S GET IT!" People are oblivious to it being no better than the cheaper version already out.

HOLY SHIT BOB! IPAD... 2! It's got a camera, and like, that's the only new feature. My iPad sucks. I WANNA IPAD2 NOW!

That's totally you being taken over by The Apple Effect...

by proudyellowman April 26, 2011

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

XX Effect

1. The effect that a girl has in any situations that tends to cause beneficiary actions towards her. Most commonly witnessed in video games or other situations where males lack testosterone.

2. To be completely bound to a person simply because they are a girl.

3. Treating one above and beyond what you would normally simply because they are a girl.

4. Causing others to give you free things, because you are a girl.

---------------------XX Effect-------------------
Guy 1:"Hi there n00b!"
Girl:"I'm a girl."
Girl:"Uh...not really?"
Guy 2:"Did someone say boobies and/or ass?"

by Kiernan A April 16, 2008

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