If someone said "Joe", don't ask "Joe who?"
Boy: You know Joe?
Girl: Joe who
Boy: Joe Biden
Girl: wtf, I thought u were gonna say "Joe mama"
Joe mama
Joe Mama- something that every kid says and needs to get some therapy to stop
Me: who's joe
Random kid i don't know: Joe mamaaaa!!!!
Me: STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Mama is a joke term that derives from the name Joe, which if said right can be said as 'yo." Combining the terms Joe and Mama makes it sound like someone is saying "Yo Mama."
The first televised appearance was on Spongebob Squarepants with the Episode of The Sponge Who Could Fly, when a phone trickster was non-stop calling Spongebob using fake aliases. Most notably, Joe Mama was one of them.
The Trickster: Yo, this dude named Joe banged my girl last week.
Oblivious Idiot: Damn that sucks, but who the hell is Joe?
The Trickster: Joe mama! Fuckin gottem!
unfunny ass joke but i still use it LMAOOOOOOOOO
Guy: Whats ur son's name?
Unfunny ass bitch: Joe
Guy: Last name?
Unfunny ass bitch: Joe mama !
Guy: *beats him up*
joe mama is yo mama is always watching u
Joe M4ma is Joe Swanson's African ancestor, who appeared in "Untitled Griffin Family History". He, like his descendant, is paraplegic, paralyzed from the waist down. In lieu of a wheelchair, he used a wild boar as his method of mobility. His best friends were Nate Griffin and Quagdingo. The three were captured by Cleveland from South Carolina, and brought to the American British colonies, along with Tobi, Ali Williams, and the African ancestors of Tom Tucker and Diane Simmons. It is unknown what became of Joe M4ma following the arrival in the new world. The status of the wild boar is unknown as well. His name is also used in a comedic manner. This joke is funny because "Joe" sounds like "Yo", a shortened street slang version of "Your", not to be confused with "Yo" being used as a slang term to greet a fellow person. Understanding this, we can take it that the name "Joe" is the set-up to the joke, as the person will likely ask for the surname of this "Joe" to distinguish which Joe they are referring to, at which point the response is "Joe M4ma". "M4ma" in this sense is a street slang reference to "Mother", as in: The mother of the person involved. This is funny as, when put together, the person has been told that the "Joe" was in-fact their own mother.
Do you know Joe?
Who's Joe?
Joe Mama! Lmao gottem!