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The word ‘Yeet’, commonly associated with the famous YouTuber Lazerbeam, is to threw something at supersonic speeds and shout yeet lazerbeam is legend and Fitbit tattooed on his arm

Lazerbeam Yeeted a grenade at the TTV sweats

by ?!?!!! December 21, 2019


Yeet - when you throw or toss something that is empty or very light.

This b empty, YEET

by <!DatOnePeiceOfToast!> October 12, 2020



Person 1: do you want to see this movie
Person 2: yeet

by Imoni November 1, 2017


Yeet is when you just need the perfect word to sum up how you feel. You could be happy, sad, mad, excited etc. Just screaming yeet can be extremely helpful in situations also.
Examples could be

I want to yeet him off a bridge
The team just scored a goal! YEET
(Simply just saying) YEET

by yeethisassoffabridge January 20, 2019


I hate this bs word, now dislike this

Yeet your mum

by Your last brain cell September 21, 2018


What underage punks say when they think they just one-upped someone, regardless of whether anyone else agrees. Used to try to save face and look cool when they were in the wrong and deep down they know it.

"Yo that guy with the limp who I refused to let sit in the disabled seat on the train because I felt like propping my feet up on it instead? Fuck him. Yeet!"

by I'llDominicYou October 30, 2022


A random word that people say at the end of their sentance

I'm so cool yeet.

by Coolgal800 January 27, 2019