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by datboi101lol March 15, 2021

NeW wOrD

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
NeW wOrD
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NeW wOrD

by WiNkWoNk1092188 December 14, 2019

Four wording

When your partner kisses and pays special attention to your neck and collar bone while making out

Partner 1: Are you ready for some four wording?
Partner 2: Yes sirrrrr

by Pixiestick518 October 21, 2019

word thirst

(noun) 1) the root cause for someone who cheats at Scrabble, 2) the desire that causes someone to speak outside their purview using foreign words of their native language.

(adj) 1) when a white boy sees the light in the dark and then searches aimlessly for cool new phrases from the hood to make himself sound cooler or tougher or whatever gets you to add those here where I could easily find them, 2) describes someone posing as an amazing writer.

For example:

"I know for a fact that quantum mechanics are s the only logical way to travel through hyperspace air bubble vacuums."

"ya word thirsty!"

For example:

"I know for a fact that quantum mechanics are s the only logical way to travel through hyperspace air bubble vacuums."

"ya word thirsty!"

by theoneandonlyzenkenone December 8, 2021


The fact that the words individuals hear or read control the ways they think, feel, and act.

Human beings are directed by the words they hear or read, and also greatly influenced by the ways their parents, the members of their family, friends, neighbors, classmates behave, and by other role models, all of whom—intentionally or not—by example, intentionally or not, get others to do or not do the things they do. So, I am writing the lyrics to a song to word-direct as many people as possible.

by but for November 21, 2017

Word Cookies

It's a game, download it from the app store fool.

"Want to play Word Cookies with me?"

by Clorox-Bleach November 7, 2017

Filler word

They're, like, some words you uh... you throw them in when you don't know what to say. Used in the middle of sentences when... um... you're trying to think of a point. Common examples are "uh," "um," and "like." Overuse of them can, like, totally ruin the tone of sentences and make you look weird.

So, uh... this is the part where I, like, put a sentence that uses filler words... um... I can't really think of anything.

by SolarSystemGuy June 5, 2022

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