Source Code

Apple Shampoo

to urinate over someone

"dude i just apple shampooed this biatch"

by tic crew October 31, 2008

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Apple-eptic Shock

This is a condition that can happen to a person who has recently purchased an Apple conputer. To them, the world seems a little duller, a little more nonsenseical. Simptoms include: Long blank gazes at the Apple's interface and/or hardware design, shutting out of external stimulous such as telephone, email or personal contact and in extreme cases the user may stop eating.

Oh man, it's not looking good. Geoff's been in Apple-eptic Shock since he got his new 12" PowerBook with superdrive and iPod at no extra charge.

by Ernst Schneider December 23, 2004

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Candy Apple Steamer

When your partner defecates in your mouth & they accidently (or intentionally) let loose a hemorrhoid blood pocket.

My lady can't get enough of those candy apple steamers!

by Jimmy C. May 10, 2005

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bobbing for apples in Somalia

a preference for the love given out by males of an opposite race. The seeking out of males of an opposite race for entertainment, love, oral-sex and marriage. A lover of third world countries and it's men.

what's Ashley doing over there? bobbing for apples in Somalia

by hg chicagoland November 11, 2008

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green apple splatters

The proper medical term (citation needed) for diarrhea induced by drinking excessive ammounts of gypsy juice causing a severe burning sensation to the anus on the way out.

Dave: "Kev are you OK in there?"

Kev : "No mate im shitting brown water that is burning the fuck outta my ass!"

Dave: "That'll be the green apple splatters, dude"

Kev : "It was your idea to buy that cheap fucking scrumpy, you twat!"

by MCMXCV April 26, 2008

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Climbing the apple tree

like "climbing the mango tree" but for women; masterbation for women

girl 1: "i squirted after climbing the apple tree last night"

girl 2: "OMG howd u climb?

by abcd i did ur mommy September 21, 2010

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Sour apple smoothie

When a boy is eating out, A girl with Syphilis which is a STI, the girls genitals queef out a green substance which, obviously makes the boy throw up on the girls vagina.

Dude: "bro i got a sour apple smoothie yesterday"
other dude: "from where?"
Dude: "your girlfriends house"

by PleaseStop:) October 25, 2023

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