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Blood Pleasure

Ejaculating inside of an open wound letting blood go everywhere and then licking it up

Dude my gf is a freak she cut herself and said give me Blood Pleasure baby

by AllahuakPeter January 29, 2025

Blood Chopper

A BLOOD chopper is a chopper that the gang "bloods" fly in and shoot the crips
When people see the blood chopper you are supposed to say "its the blood chopper" and run.

hey look it a chopper

by John Morales November 5, 2019

Blood Sausage

noun.) Typically referencing the end result of a man having intercourse with a woman on her period, or removing his member from any other orifice that may leave him gleaming as if leaving a tomato bath.

"My girlfriend said she likes blood sausage. So I waited until she was on her period, fucked her, and served up exactly what she desired."

by Sin 2 Win July 7, 2017

Blood sausage

A Penis that has been broken Via rough intercourse usually positions such as doggy style which has caused the penis to become red,sore and begin bleeding due to the burst blood vessels.
The name "Blood sausage" was used when the pictures of the broken penis were posted on the internet but needed censor picture for those who were not prepared to see it.

Don't go at it too roughly now or you might end up with a blood sausage.

by Mystery man number 6 July 22, 2019

Black p stone bloods

The Black P. Stones are affiliated with the Bloods alliance and especially with the Piru coalition. and was created in the 1960's The gang is a rival of the Crips.The Black P. Stones have also been involved in a long-running conflict with the 18th Street gang, a Latino gang which is based in a territory north of Baldwin Village.

black p stone bloods are part of a nation spreading to chicago

by gangoligist January 18, 2024

Oxen Blood

Blood of the Demi-Gods that provides them with their strength.

Damn James, how did you lift that?!?!?! You have got the oxen blood in ya.

by YTSupplyCo August 5, 2018

drinking cat's blood

When you eat a girl out during her period.

I thought his tongue was red after having a glass of Hawaiian Punch, but he was actually just finished drinking cat's blood

by Your Everyday Psychopath April 18, 2016