Opposite of hot girl walk. When you are dressed like Adam Sandler, in a baggy shirt and shorts, while on a walk. Typically done hungover or when you absolutely don’t give a shit. Only elite can truly pull off this vibe.
There are two types of girlies: those who hot girl walk and those who Adam Sandler walk.
The most perfect human being to exist, he is very nice and chill.
Adam Asmaiel is my idol.
Guy1: Who tf is Adam Dorchester
Guy2: A life guard
beetlejuice character, the husband of barbara maitland, he dies in 3 different ways
1:Car crash
2: falling into his basement hitting his head
3: electrocution by a faulty wire
why the hell do are you an adam maitland simp
Guy X: Have you seen that new Adam Sandler movie, it's great
Guy Z: Isn't that white eddie murphy