It means "just joking about it" quip is another word for joke, so the verb quipping means joking.
Do we really have a test tommarow???????
Na, I'm just quippin' up.
Rachel was boppin’ up on me last night like a fat kid eatin’ cake. Made be bust a heavy nut all down that neck.
When you offer a muffin/dessert to your chubby partner. i.e. partner who has a muffin top.
“Would you like a top up?”
“Would you like a top up for your muffin top?”
To criticise or generally make derogatory remarks about the subject.
Man, I can't stand it when people beat up on Microsoft for no frickin' reason whatsoever.
To be 'brakked up' is the UK street slang term for being beaten up. Not so frequently used since 2010, telling someone "you are going to be brakked up" was most prevalent within the black gangsta community, but also common with some chavs. It is commonly recognised as a colloquial modification of the term to 'break up.'
Bert: Eh lad, you gots me wacky backy?
Jemal: Yeh, bruv.
Bert: Sound. Ayy, m8! I forgot meh moneh.
Jemal: Fam, I swear down, you's gon' get brakked up 2nite.
To say something incredibly irrelevant or dumb due to overthinking it or not thinking at all.
"Angelica really joe'd up yesterday when she said "wow! if i lived here I'd be home right now!" It was such a Joe up, so stupid."
To closed, shut, or raise up. Also can mean up high.
Her booty is heished up.
Heishe that window, its cold outside.