when one fag hag intentionally attempts to steal the affections of anothers fag.
B-Rug: I was talking to my girlfriend and she said she wanted to fag nab you...? whats that mean
Homo: haha good luck my hag's gonna put up a fight
1👍 1👎
Something of a sexual nature between homies that u never tell anyone about
Bro don't tell anyone about that fag job.
A woman-who is part of a couple- that is used to lure men into threesomes with gay dude.
Jenny posted her pictures on a couple site. She said she 'loves the D' , but is primarily interested in finding a guy that is orally bi, for him. She is such a fag-lure.
Shmo Boy who is gonna get beat in that basketball tourney
Sean: Time for me to cause a bit of controversy, Cause i'm gonna beat you in that basketball tourney, You Fag-Lonely
A wagon or car full of Fags(Homosexuals). Used as an insult, it dates back to when bundles of sticks were transported by horse-driven wagon. It is used most commonly when someone and or a group you didn't invite to your party shows up anyway.
Bruce: "Aye! Looks like the fag wagon finally arrived!"
Jaime: "Shut up! do you always have to be such a douche!? GAWD!"
Bruce: "YAYE!!!"
Beach blonde hair, Usually have a gay name like Sam and wears Mad Huey clothing. Will ask for snaps for a rate.
Strohfeldt is a Surfer Fag.
A group of people who believe that railgun is the main series and refuses to listen to the truth.
They are worst evolution of human beings. They can't even be considered humans anymore
r/anime is filled with railgun fags