"Gamer Normie" also known as "Retro Normie" refers to an individual within the gaming community who exhibits limited knowledge or involvement in gaming culture, typically lacking a deep understanding of gaming history, niche genres, or the intricacies of specific gaming franchises. These individuals often engage in casual gaming and tend to rely on common or overused gaming references, humor, and stereotypes, often demonstrating a surface-level appreciation for gaming rather than a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the medium.
Person A: Hey, have you seen Person C trying to talk about retro games lately?
Person B: Yeah, he's such a Gamer Normie. He's always making basic references and doesn't seem to know much about the gaming industry beyond the popular titles.
A dangerous state of the breed of human called "gamer" where in a "game" or perhaps another "gamer" has caused them to enter this state of utter and total badass
Gamer rage 1 - suck a wiener
Gaymer rage 2 - Drink a pint of hot dog water
A very good gamer. Who claps all the mandem and gets gyaldem. However he fails to clap one driller. He is very sweaty. However saajan gamer is very vicious and likes to go pee pee. Like the wolf of street he gets the moneyz in games and plays Roblox simulators
On me on me it's a saajan gamer. He is too good. Oh no oh no. Ohhhh I'm shining in the night ....
A 5 to 11 year old kid who think he or she is the best and when they win they say things like ez or you're trash or in their bad grammar ur trash
Don't be a toxic gamer
a luh bih who wear dem headphones w kitty ears.
she got that WAP no DEW.
While you where on the boat, I got groovy with the Gamer Kitty.
A guy that likes existing….I think he played any games and has many common words for example “chimichanga” and “house blowing up creates character” wait no that’s deadpool I mean “gotta go fast” and “dr.egg man” wait no anyways he reminds me of Yukio Okumura tbh ultra probably steaks baby’s when they sleep at night
God damn it “The Ultra Gamer” stole both my baby and my chimichanga’s
A term for when something stupid and dumb happens to you on a game.Im not saying being gay is stupid and dumb
You:This kid just no scoped me that's so Gay (Gamer Term)