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Pee Pee

It's not Pee Pee. It's Pee is stored in the balls. Pee is stored in the balls.

Pee is stored in the balls, balls. Pee is stored in the balls balls. Pee Pee balls balls. Humongous balls!

by HawaiianPunch1 October 12, 2024

Pee pee

A pee pee or its abbreviation (Pp) is the part intimate part of a male human that uses it as a mean to engage in pp activities with a female, there are different species of pps some of them more fascinating than others.

Asian people have small pee pee

by TheSnowTropper September 15, 2019

pee pee

A manly way of saying 'penis'.

Manly Man: "Time to go pee pee."

by wariothespaghetboy July 27, 2018

Pee pee

What you don’t have

Pee pee means you don’t have one

by Shewwwww May 9, 2021

Pee Pee

A phrase to describe something that is cool and/or interesting

"Daddy that's so Pee Peeeeee"

by Sheluvbfuzz February 11, 2022

Pee Pee

It's basically a PG version of saying DICK

Person 1: Hey nice PEE PEE you got there, no homo by the way.
Person 2: How the fuck did you get into my house?

by Aaru2005 November 2, 2020

pee pee

used by a nine year old boy cunsulting ones penis.

my pee pee itches

by (A star is born) August 23, 2019