The sexual act of forcing one or two testicles into the anus of your sexual partner.
"The only thing more intimate than anal is a classic San Diego Wine Press."
"Bobby and Jill really sealed the deal last night with a San Diego Wine Press."
"Ski ball!? How about instead get do a San Diego Wine Press?"
SENPAI but only for Sans Fangirls....
Seriously all those Fangirls...
When one man lays on his back with his erect penis pointing upwards, his partner then places his penis in a perpendicular fashion against the first mans. This arrangement simulates the appearance of a fire hydrant and connected hose.
Ace said to Gary " I want to do the San Francisco Fire Hydrant tonight."
A mythical position where two homosexual men are simultaneously pitching and catching at the same time.
"I've seen DVDA once but I've only ever heard of the san francisco twister."
When you masturbate in your car on a bridge, and right before you finish, you walk to the railing and finish on all the unexpected cars below.
Bob: Did you hear that Jimmy San Diego Pigeoned over the interstate?
airport transportation in cabo san lucas
airport transportation in cabo san lucas
"I just saw a TikTok of sans bbg"
"bbg daddy's home"