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Throwing up I love you

People who throw up ilys are raging homosexuals and do this 24/7 to tell everyone they want to kiss other men.

Hey he’s throwing up I love you he must like guys

by Small ass mofo October 9, 2022

Throw us the deuces

That little two finger lift people do when they drive past you.

His neighbors just throw us the deuces when they drive past us smoking pot.

by Bleeze Worthy September 24, 2015

Throw her printer

To take a girls virginity

I'd love to Throw her printer

by Pokemon master grey January 17, 2016

throwing shoelaces

To spew semen from your penis, can also be described as 'painting shoelaces'

'Bra, I painted a shoelace on that chicks face, y0!"
'I couldnt get no play from that chick, so I threw a few sholaces on my couch while watching some dirty monkey porn'
'Bros, I never met a chick that had me throwing shoelaces like I was on 3 Viagra's'

by Bukkake King January 29, 2010

i wanna throw my box on him

i wanna throw my box on him

i wanna throw my box on him

by 춤추는수면 September 16, 2022

throw some ice

To check someone after they get too heated or be blowing some hot air on a subject matter that they are completely wrong in. To clear up a misunderstanding that some raggedy bitch is spreading with cold, hard facts.

Raven thought she could get away with this shit but the whole internet over here fixin to throw some ice.

This bitch say she's not messing with my friend's man but I'm grabbing these receipts and getting ready to throw some ice.

by germX 2.0 October 16, 2015

Throwing up the Fours

Throwing up the fours means you can’t hit a baseball

That kid is Throwing up the Fours that is why he cannot hit a baseball

by THE RANDOM BSBL June 27, 2022