You really think this would be funny?
Its time to play AMONG US so I can kill you guys!
A popular astronaut game downloaded a lot in 2020 and people will never shut the fuck out of it.
Dude 1: Hey, Have you played among us?
Dude 2: sussy
Dude 1: A M O G U S
a game that died in 2020 yet people still meme about it to this day, it hasnt been funny in forever, just let it die, sus isnt funny.
¨hmmm that reminds me of among us¨ - someone
¨I am rapidly approaching your destination¨ - me, 5 minutes away from they´re house
The Funny Space Man game for all of your murderous tendencies and wanting to learn friendship breaking abilities!
(Lorus 1:1)
The game Among Us was declared heretical under the Edict of Games in Internetia, and became a sin to play. Sus, Sys, Ses, and Soos were banned including Amogus, Amongus, Among Us, Amog us, Amogud, Amog ud, Amogudus, Amogus Sus, Sussy, Susser, Sussy Susser, and any combination of these words. Then the Amongians revolted, screaming Impostor, Sus, GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD as they stormed the halls of the Golden Citadel. The Holy Army of 540 defeated the enemy Amongians, wiping out the thousands of them roaming the wide halls and lasting for hours as the Edict was decided upon. Later on, the Amongians were declared a threat, and so the Minions force feed the Amongians the Minion Meme elixirs, which lead to the Amongians deaths and were no longer a threat. The last of the Amongians though escaped to Cypris, which quickly killed them with only 1 remaining. (It is said to have been killed in 512 AD in the Spring Solstice, making the World Rupture, and cursing 563 to occur)