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bum secks

To engage in sexual intercourse focused mainly around the anus. -Formal defintion

To fuck a bitch in the stinky hole. -Informal definition

Oh shit, I forgot a condom and do not want to recieve STDs nor impregnant my bitch....TIME FOR BUM SECKS!

by Rogues do it in the dark December 13, 2006

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Bum Island

The island that sits in the middle of the Milwaukee, Division and Ashland ave intersection in Bucktown/Wicker Park Chicago, IL. This little patch of land is located off the Division Blueline stop and is rittled with Bums and ghetto trash smoking blunts and asking for cigs and money.

Tod: Are there any good fast food places over here?

Sarah: Yeah, travel west on Ashland ave. until you hit Bum Island, then take a left at the light. Be sure to hit as many bums on the way to Wendy's; I recommend getting the spicey chicken sandwich. I hate Bum Island!!

by Tillters1236 June 13, 2010

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Bum Rush

To request anal to quickly in a relationship.

Jenny broke up with Adam because he bum rushed her.

by Bum Rush June 1, 2014

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bum fuzzle

the act of receving head while taking a poop. (the proclaimed two best feelings in the world)

Dude, I totally got a bum fuzzle by Jill last night.

by matt November 7, 2004

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professionally bumming

To not literally bum someone, but cater to their every need. For example, you always talk about that person, you always say how attractive you find them, you make them cakes and stuff. and (not literally) you bum lick them.

Emily: "OMGG i love ben he is so cute, isn't he so cute! i love him! I'm gonna make him a cake on his birthday"
Beth: (rolls eyes) "cool can i help?"
Emily: "NO WAY, i don't want you getting any of the credit cos i love him"
Beth: "OH **** you! just cos your professionally bumming him"

EMily runs off and crys.

by Betty Weiner September 27, 2007

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bum candy

"Candy" of abysmally poor quality which The Poopsmith gives to oblivious trick or treaters such as Homestar Runner on Halloween. Definitely not equal to a million pounds of candy, especially if you're going for quality over quantity like Bubs is.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sniffs the bag} {slightly angry} Hey, you're right! Poopsmith, did you give me some bum candy?

by JohnnyLurg August 18, 2011

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Bum Wipes

Slang term that can be used in place of "Toilet Paper."

Hey Joe, we're out of bum wipes!

by Michael (the main man) June 26, 2006

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