To not have enough money or not having any money. In economics, "liquidity" is a term that describes the availability of money or assets.
"I can't afford to pay a 100 dollars. I'm dry right now, and can only give 60 dollars."
A crack or a joke that is not funny.
"You smell like cheese"
"That shit was dry"
The state that Brendon and Raine will be coming into Croatia at for sail week in 2018
Fuck look at those to game changers coming in dry and diced looking like a fucking grater
Virginia Term. Self-Explanitory. Not Wet. A.K.A ... Wack Or Boring
Guy: I Saw These Shoes At The Mall
Other Person: -looking- Those Are Dry
'Kid Inside A Club' - This Place Is Dry
Becoming embarrassed to the point where one finds it hard to communicate or behave coherently.
Person 1: "Dude, you just got caught? YOU'RE ACTING DRY!"
A slang expression used in response to embarrassing, and sometimes cringe, situations. The ending vowel sound is usually dragged out to emphasize some sympathy for the embarrassment.
“She went on a blind date, and the moment he saw her, he left!”
“Omg! Dryyyy!!”
“Omg, were waiting here for the elevator for a few minutes and someone else came along and then pressed the button. We didn’t even realize we didn’t press it!”
“Dryyy!! So embarrassing!”
“She was basically telling everyone she hated Smart Cars, and I drive a Smart Car!”
“Dryyyy! She’s totally making fun of you!”
To be drunk and high mixed together
"Man were gonna get to dry as fuck tonight "