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Wannabe Emo

Preppy sluts attempting to be "scene."

Holy shits liek did u c the new fall out boiz video on trl/?? pete wentz was so fien, im liek such a wannabe emo, brb eye gotta go crie

by MOJ+IO January 29, 2006

144๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emo Progressive

Note: This term was seen as divisive and has been superseded by Puritopian.

Emo Progressive (or "emoprog") is a self-described liberal or progressive, often with libertarian leanings, whose political orientation is to be angry, dissatisfied and unhappy with the state of the nation at any given time, because in their view, liberal policies are not being implemented quickly or forcefully enough. They have particular contempt for Democratic presidents.

Emoprogs are ideological purists who disdain compromise and incremental change, which they see as "selling out" liberal ideas like full employment, an end to all wars, state secrets, and liberal social policy.

Emoprogs dislike Republicans but reserve their greatest disdain for Democratic presidents, whom they relentlessly attack for not meeting a set of ideological goal posts that are constantly adjusted to ensure that the president will be deemed a disappointment, "not progressive enough" or "just like a Republican" no matter what policy achievements are made.

Emoprogs routinely dismiss or ignore congress' role in making or impeding policy, believing presidents can simply "use the bully pulpit" and "fight" in order to overcome constitutional or legislative obstacles.

Emoprogs have a strong affinity for 3rd party politics as a way to punish Democratic presidents. They are especially hostile to President Obama and deem anyone who expresses a lack of ill will toward him to be "Obamabots" and enemies of liberalism.

Example1: After Eric Holder announced congress had blocked the Justice Department from trying 9/11 mastermind KSM in civilian court, social networks lit up with emo progressives complaining that President Obama had broken his campaign promise to end military tribunals. Their criticism did not mention congressional Democrats who helped block Holder.

Example2: Emoprogs dismissed healthcare reform as a failure, saying President Obama should have used the bully pulpit to achieve a single payer system, despite the fact that Sen. Harry Reid made it clear that such a plan could not pass the Senate.

by JoyAnn January 8, 2012

204๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo wannabe

Sad pathetic losers, who think they are Emos just because they made their parents buy them a pair of converses. They buy lots of albums such as Taking Back Sunday's and make sure everybody knows, so that they appear to be and emo and to be included in the scene. however they still buy their clothes from mark one, and were townie jeans and tops and don't understand at all what they are getting into. they think they're really cool, but the people who really are emos think they are sad and generally pity them.

WannabeEmo: Look at me!i'm a emo!

Emo: No your not, so shut up.

by Emma March 27, 2005

359๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž

wannabe emo

a wannabe emo is most definntly someone who cuts themselves and says "i bleed for you but my world is black". wanna be emos listen to the used, green day, my chemical romance, from first to last, and hawthorne heights and think they can get away with it. they will walk around in their new emily the strange shirt and go "i wish i had more friends". wanna be emo girls usually have long brown or black hair and they are hippos or they are very ugly. they think wearing heartogram clothing is emo. cutting yourself is not emo and nor is sitting in the corner and crying over nothing, your lifes probably better than a celbrity. they will usually get all their hair chopped of and wear pretty little bows in them. wanna be emo boys, well i never met one of them. the nightmare before christmas isnt emo nor those freakily cartoons. most of them get thier inspiration from adam and andrews "Emo kid" song. none of that is emo. if you smear your eyeliner and take 798549875978 pictures of it and show your cutmarks your a poser. they usualyy have screen names like "wItHiN i BlEeD a PuDdLE Of ReD" or "HiDdEn CriEs WiThIn". i could say more but i think i layed down the law :)

BlEeDmYsOuL12:my life sucks so bad my mom wouldnt let me buy mcrs new cd so i cut myself.

Amnesitynclarity: oh, your such a wannabe emo

BlEeDmYsOuL12: no im not your jealous, im going to cut my arms and watch the blood come down. then im going to cry within and never let out my fellings god why dosent anyone like me

by SandraAAAAA February 7, 2007

116๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo moment

When you get all emotional and sad and get all teary eyed and crap and have the urge to listen to Dashboard Confessional.

Girl: Oh my God, you're actually leaving? *tries to hold back tears*
Boy: Yeah... I'm sorry. I have to. *cuddles close*
Girl: *sniffles* Don't make me have an emo moment.

by Miko August 20, 2004

49๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo pants

A style of jeans usually worn by emo boys. They are skin tight, occasionally distressed, and found in the girls departemnt of most stores. Worn with converse all stars, black and white specs, and a black tshirt, they complete the classic emo look.

Emoguy 1: Check out my new jeans!
Emoguy 2: Dude, those are the best emo pants.
Emoguy 1: yEah, I saw Taking Back Sunday with 'em on.
Emogirlfriend: Hey, are those my pants?!

by Hannah E. August 15, 2006

214๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

punk emo

A person who in appearance seems to be emo (black hair, black clothes, skinny jeans, etc.) but listens to punk music and personality wise has more in common with a punk.

Emo: looks like all of their friends, listens to the music the radio tells them to listen to, whiny, wimpy

Punk Emo: tough attitude, anti-fascist, educated, original

stranger: hey emo kid, go cut yourself!
punk emo: fuck that, i'll cut you! (and they proceed to do so)

by anarchyforsale September 15, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž