Ethans can say the n-word
Hey guys look its ethan he can say the n-word
Ethan’s are Tall,kind,cute,and are always there for you if you want a sweet hot guy then Ethan’s are perfect for you.
Handsome, mostly blonde, and can do almost anything when it comes to talents. He’s awesome with the ladies, and he likes to joke around with them. He has the kind of humor that you would find hurtful, but always explains why it’s funny. He will tease you, but he always means it in a playful manner. He is strong, and confident. If anyone comes across him in a bad way, he will always solve the problem whether it’s by talking back, or simply being nice. Overall, Ethan is an awesome dude who likes to have fun!
“See that guy over there?”
“Yeah that’s Ethan! He’s super funny”
“Yeah, and really cute!”
Ethan is the funniest and sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. He can make anything better just by being around. He’s very weird but in a lovable funny way. Once you meet him you will never want to loose him because he becomes your favorite person even if you don’t know him for long.
Person 1: everybody likes ethan
They gut at the bus stop that us usually very annoying and asks a lot of questions
Ethan is the most hilarious person ever he has an amazing personality but can also be retarted he doesn’t know it but a lot of girls like him he also is in to race cars and he will be the love of your life
girls-Omg is that Ethan he has such a good personality