What I calll homo-sapien who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: The Breath Of A Thyroid Is A Perianal Abscess: The First Juvenile Release...and we call it "calcium" (scleras)
Son of their grandparent’s full sibling with the other grandparent’s full sibling.
My double-first cousin-uncle is a good person.
😱: Chelsea Peretti To Katiuska Robles; The First Juvenile Release: The First Juvenile Release
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: The Final Three Versus The Three Journals (The Brothers Grimm): The First Juvenile Release.
Dijion "Angie" Mcfarlane:The First Juvenile Release; The First Juvenile Releaseexe-xizaa-exe
What I call homo-sapiens that are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Dia De Los Tres Reyes is a Cuban, Dominican, And Spaniard Thing (Black, White, and Hispanic); The First Juvenile Release.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Johann "Smack" Bach & Mohandas "Karachi" Gandhi; The First Juvenile Release.