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getto lip gloss

when you put maple syrup all over your lips

girl:OMG i looooooooove your lip gloss.Where did you get it?!?

other girl:What are you talking about.All it did was eat some pancakes with syrup?

girl:i want some getto lip gloss too!

by getto guuuuuuurl March 20, 2009

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Slappy McPurple Lips

A player who is on the New York Yankee$ who wears purple lipstick during every baseball game he plays, and likes to slap balls out of peoples hand.

Slappy McPurple Lips likes to slap balls because thats the only way they can beat the Red Sox.

by Budd April 11, 2005

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beat them lips

(background, maryland;P.G.)
When a guy is havin sex wit a girl...It can't be when a girl do it to a girl, cuz shje dont got a dick (she could buy a vibrater, but it aint da same)

Mo:" Yo I heard your gurl lost her viginity"
Diandre:"Yeah beat dem lips...DDEEEENNNG
Mo:"For real??""
Diandre:"yeah nigga, i gave her a new walk!!"

by Destinee March 3, 2005

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Boo Boo Lips

A caucasion person, one who has african american like lips. Typically large, maybe slightly poof like.

"Did you see the boo boo lips on that chick!?" *she turns her back to them* "her momma must be black.. look at the booty to match!!"

by The walking naughty =-o! July 7, 2005

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kool-aid lips

Overuse of dark red or purple lipstick, so that it appears as though the wearer has been drinking large amounts of Kool-Aid.

Have you seen The Craft? That one girl's got a serious case of kool-aid lips.

by pellonpaa November 14, 2011

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Upper lip Suprise

when u have an unappealing mustache or wanna be stache.

That gay motorcycle cop has an upper lip suprise

by SxyPenguin308 April 21, 2009

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crusty butt lips

a man who is described to be crusty with abnormally over larged butt lips. micropenis and gap teeth and choc-o-lat are normally side effects of the crusty butt lips syndrome.

john: dude, get some chap stick for your crusty butt lips.

jeffrey: i hate my life.

by crustybuttlips October 12, 2009

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