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Russian Twists

to have a russian thot spin on top of your head. search up helicopter porn for more info.

damn you got to do russian twists yesterday?

by joemamameifyourgay November 2, 2019

Russian Thorn Bush

When your pube hairs get so long you can braid them, creating an unpleasant Feeling for late night wrestling matches. Noun

Phil poked Jenny, while having fun in bed, with his Russian thorn bush.

by Vex Dash May 5, 2020

Russian fleshlight

When you cum inside a fleshlight and then pour it on to a girls eyes, while putting your dick-tip up her nose, so she can smell your sperm.

*Guy 1* I gave my girl a Russian fleshlight yesterday, she did not even know I had a fleshlight.
*Guy 2* Yeah, my girl just want me to bang her.

by Roski Sex Master February 4, 2025

Russian Leg Press

When the woman positions her man in a way to where the erect penis is positioned into her vagina while she lifts him with her legs resulting in intercourse and a workout (works better with tiny man and Amazon woman)

Man (5’2 very skinny with unusually large penis): babe wanna try the Russian Leg Press?
Woman (6’5 Amazon Goddess with thick thighs): I’m glad you brought that up, I missed leg day and I’m very horny

by juice warrior September 5, 2023

russian ompaloompa

The Russian Ompaloompa is when the male dips his member into chocolate fondue and then proceeds to place their member inside of the mouth and throat of another until they can barely breathe while humming an eery tune.

I gave that gave that girl from the bar a golden ticket, took her home and gave her the full Russian Ompaloompa.

by georgecuntwbushtackle September 14, 2019

Lazy Russian

One part Vodka, one part Cafe Mocha, one part Whipping Cream (milk, if extra lazy)

Man: Sorry, I never showed up with the Bailey's.

Awesome She God: It's cool. We made Lazy Russians.

by CristinaAndMariaToscanoLikeBBC November 27, 2015

Russian Mustache

The act of giving a shoulder ride while the rider is facing backwards causing their pubic hair to sit on your upper lip as though it was a russian man's mustache.

I let out a sneeze when the curly hair from my Russian mustache tickled my nose.

by Otown1988 October 28, 2020