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Clique Sexuality Disorder

abbreviated to C.S.D.

The phenomenon of being sexually attracted to all or many people within the same social/ friendship group, as opposed to specific individuals.

It’s not that I’m a whore . . . I have Clique Sexuality Disorder.

by Kendal Boy March 7, 2008

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

post-sexual fugue

The act of fleeing the scene of a negative sexual encounter. Marked by a strong aversion to having contact or communication with the other sexual party. In extreme cases even being in the same vicinity is too much to bear. Often occuring after cum horror. Often leads to shame shower.

Yeah, we had sex. But I had an episode of post-sexual fugue. I snuck out, got in my car, and drove-off like a mad man with a sigh of relief.

by Felix Mariano Baia October 17, 2006

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

quad sexual

Not only likeing men, women, and your own self but likeing she males sexing themselves.Basically you lie dick in vagina, dick in dick, vagina in vagina, and vagina in dick.

Dude I'm so quad sexual. I just did your mom.

by joshmohoe February 25, 2008

4πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

exclusivist sexual orientation

Integral heterosexuality and/or integral homosexuality. A persons with an exclusivist sexual orientation unavoidably rejects somobody. The exclusivist hetero rejects people of his or her own gender, the exclusivist homo rejects persons of the opposite gender. Exclusivist sexual orientation is what radical hetero and radical homo have in common. It opposes itself to bisexuality which has the non-exclusivist asset of being a sexual attraction towards absolutely everyone.

Bisexuality is often assimilated to one of the two main exclusivist sexual orientations (hetero and/or homo). That is not accurate. Bisexuality stands on its own as a complete third option. That is why, to a bisexual, the homo and the hetero radicality look sometimes like the two mirror image of the same crisis.

by Ysengrim January 2, 2004

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Daring sexual rendezvous

Can be preplanned or spontaneous but must be something that is sexually adventerous and risky that not only satisfies ones sexual urges but also the need to do something out of the norm.

Engaging in an unbridled,surprising ,and daring sexual act you personally have not done before that took moxy and aggresiveness because it was completely ruled by spontaneity and hormonal urges.

Can either be iniated by male or female

He spotted an unknown atteractive women acroos the room,their eyes met,he knew now what he needed to do,so he seductively grabbed her by the hand and led her to the restrooom,pressed her up against the wall where he lifted up her skirt and proceeded to have sex with her because he could no longer contain his urges, he finally engaged in his long time fantasy to have a daring sexual rendezvous.

by signature behavior May 4, 2009

29πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

sexually open minded

Willing to entertain and explore different techniques and ideas in bed without sacrificing one's own integrity.

More than any of the whole two classes on the subject he'd received in school, watching late-night CineMax every now and then inspired Kim to be sexually open minded.

by HairBaron December 3, 2010

89πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

sexual jackpot

To have sex with a person who is very popular. A very sexy rock star or movie star.

I hit the sexual jackpot when i went to bed with Rock Star.

by zelda75231 July 11, 2008

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž