The perfect combination partaking in both a wonderful boy, and a verb. Frickn sleep.
The perfect combination is "You + sleep" Brandon. Go to bed!
When you wake up and bang (coitus) and then go back to sleep.
"I was involved in the sleep bang last night! That is why I can't stay awake at work, boss!"
Traumatic Sleep Injury, or TSI, is when you wake up with an unknown injury that occured while one sleeps or is passed out.
Zeke: "Hey Kelly why are you limping?"
Kelly: "I don't know, I woke up with a sore knee."
Zeke: "Classic Traumatic Sleep Injury, you need one bourbon, one scotch, and one beer."
Yaman Gülsoy
Yaman Gülsoy isn't a nightmare, he's a whole sleep paralysis demon.
When an individual doesn't know how to sleep correctly.
Henny got shoulder pain after sleeping on his stomach... now Megan definitely doesn't want him.
This is the most epic and important phenomenon of our world's latest era, you need to smoke weed before going to sleep and pray to the nigger that lives under your house and then go to sleep with your bare ass exposed, you can have a blanket over you but you need to expose your bare ass so super nigga can come in your sleep and fuck you until your ass is sore.
Super nigga: *I appear in front of you and fuck your ass repeatedly without mercy*
You: Oh yesss... You are my super nigga in my sleep!!!
what happens when you have a test tomorrow that you forgot to study for.
"ah man, im sleep deprived from studying for that test today."