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fuck stick

Originates from the word FUCK BOY but a Fuck stick is a male that has same traits as fuck boy but severely needs to eat 20x double bacon cheeseburgers to gain some weight because their junk is bigger then they are.

My ex is such a FUCK STICK

by 11:11dmb March 26, 2021

Fuck Stick

Someone who is just a complete bitch.

Shane is a fuck stick.

by Hearn og fuck stick June 3, 2015


A banana (NOUN). Bananas have lots of potassium and potassium is 'K' on the periodic table of elements; also bananas are shaped like a stick.

I packed my boo a K-stick so he could keep his energy levels up for his trek up Machu Picchu.

by KOKO_SURF July 9, 2018

stick in the straw

When the stick goes in and out of the straw

The stick in the straw conjoined and then separated over and over again.

by Random Words & Definitions November 4, 2022

Cancer Stick

A slang word for cigarette, or cigar. A pipe is known as a Cancer Pipe. It is understandable that u use thks word often.

Brother: Hey, can I borrow a Cancer Stick?
Sister: A what?
Brother: A Cancer Stick
Sister: Oh. *pulls out Cancer Stick and they both start smoking*

by DinoRo June 9, 2018

cancer sticks

A street name/slang of nicotine cigarettes which a non-smoker will diffuse a cigarette as cancer causing

I am qutting cancer sticks.
No more cancer sticks for you!

by Billiam Beaver July 7, 2016

Cancer Stick

Another word for cigarette

Alright boys gona go have a cheeky cancer stick

by YaDaSellsAvonM8 March 5, 2019