a pedophile that used kids and probably got killed because he was a part of the Illuminati, he used so much damn drugs he turned white
"Damn, Micheal Jackson got killed"
"I know, its cuz he was white, and spent too much time doing his dumb moon walk."
That one person that molested 2 kids and testifies against it. He was also a LEGEND with his most popular album Thriller
Micheal Jackson is a rapist but his good music
Do you know what they did with Micheal Jackson after he died?
They melted him down into Lego’s now kids play with him for a change
When a sexy boy named jackson gives you some cake
I got jacksons cake.
The process of consuming 5 of something, usually drug related e,g MDMA, Dexies, Adderall
"Wow Brodie just did the jackson 5. He is going to be cheesing for hours, I hope he doesn't have a heart attack!"
A party of good looking weoman dedicated to finding Jackson a girl!
Hey Colin can you ask Anna if her friends would be interested in throwing a Jackson party