Source Code

Waffle Whack

A fictional restaurant chain that exists in the Cyber-Avian Extravaganza.

" I am going to the nearest Waffle Whack to get me some fucking TOAST."

by JustAKidOnAChromebook April 13, 2022

Belgian waffle

A pathetic, disgustingly smelly, lonely cat lady- who is an anal slut who begs for it EVERYDAY on instagram

That lady, who smells like cat piss, is desperate for a dude, so she begs for anal; she's a 'Belgian waffle'!

by Sweet&cute December 30, 2017

Squishy waffle

“A English springer spaniel dog that’s chunky and brown

hey squishy waffle...

by Doggey January 27, 2021

pushing the waffle

Something you never want to hear from your roommates bedroom..

Matt, stop pushing the waffle

by Creamcicle June 25, 2017

waffle text

A text message in the shape of a waffle. #

He was totally eating that #. (waffle text)

by Inventor of the waffle text. January 28, 2011

Waffle Crotch

Someone who is emotionally and/or sexually confused;
Someone who mistreats fiiiine ladies

fiiiiine Girl 1: Wow that guy is such a d-bag!
fiiiiine Girl 2: Nah he's just a waffle crotch.

by wafflecrotch101 August 31, 2018

Waffle Crotch

When your stretch jeans start to ripple or “waffle” in the areas that are continually stretched ie. the crotch and the knees.

His jeans have got serious waffle crotch going on

by Zombie mother 1884 November 26, 2018