A sea creature that has a cousin called the tortoise. THE TURTLE HAS FLIPPERS NOT FEET
Also they poop out a lot of eggs and only 1 in like 30 of those eggs survive to adulthood
Turtle is an animal that is used in the video "I like turtles". It's also a zoober in Zooba (Zoo Battle Arena) that is named Shelly.
You: Bro, look at that girl ! What do you think about her ?!
Friend: I like turtles !
Someone equipped with two riot shields (one on their back, one they’re holding) and an anti-tank gun.
You’re a turtle, all your vehicle can do is float downstream, that’s it.
may come in the form of a complusive lier, usually resides in the tri state area, also enjoys spending its time riding small hard objects that are from its own family blood lines, plans are not its strong point and will dodge any form of communication followed up by a poor excuse, that usually equates to "tonite the turtle was captivated by his father in the bed room and willing and openly proformed sexual acts while getting the utmost enjoyment from it"
tonite the turtle was captivated by his father in the bed room and willing and openly proformed sexual acts while getting the utmost enjoyment from it
Turtles are a reptile that has a shell to give itself armor. Turtles are also often equipped with cameras and machine guns to spy for Russia. They are also seen practicing martial arts.
Guy 1: bro did you see those Turtles with the camera on it?
Guy 2: yeah I think they were spying for Russia
me-*hits him with rock onto his head*
An amphibian that's lazy as fuck and wears a bulletproof shell on his/her back.Lives its life on land but lays eggs in water.Cold-blooded, heavy bastard that's slower than a man half-dead from work.
Look at that turtle, it's so lazy!