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Illinois Wesleyan University

A small liberal arts university in which most of the population are either theater nuts or music obsessed weirdos. At any given moment you can be walking down the "way to small campus" and see one of the ugliest people you've ever met. Everyone is vanilla, as plain as can be, and as soon as normal students step foot on campus, they immediately regret their decision for attending. 75% of the people attend because they enjoy the arts and sitting inside a dark room all day. The other 25% are athletes who had desires to play DI athletics but had to settle for the diminished IWU DIII competition. The Worst School in Illinois, and located in The Worst Town.

John- "Hey, Doesn't Zach attend Illinois Wesleyan University?"

Alicia- "Yeah of course. He says it was the worst choice of his life and he would rather be attacked by a Great White Shark!"

John- "Oh, well at least he's saving 20K for playing sports.."

Alicia- "Thats the only positive, that school literally sucks."

by Normy Eashy October 21, 2011

65👍 51👎

St. Lawrence University

A small school in the middle of no where which means we know how to get FUCKING TRASHED!!!!! Besides parting SLU also knows how to prepare students for the real world. While the cost of attendance is extremely high they are very generous with financial aid and scholarship. Don't be confused there are still hella rich white kid from the New England Area.

I just got accepted to St. Lawrence University I can't wait to party every weekend and do well in school.

by SLUt2022 November 26, 2018

10👍 4👎

Arizona State University

ASU is where rich, retarded kids go to school

John: "I got into Arizona State University."

Bill: "I mean your a rich retard John so no shit."

by EatShitAndDie March 13, 2019

22👍 10👎

ambrose ali university

A place for the homeless, dirty and frustrated ones and also it is another home for animals. NOTE: the other name for Ambrose Ali University is called REFUGEE CAMP

Son: mom I want to go to the university...

Mom: but we don't have money to pay for things you will need as a student...
Son: mom don't worry my friend told me of a university that accept the frustrated and homeless ones

Mom:what is the name of the university

Son: Ambrose Ali University
Mom: wow, get ready son .. we're going there next week

by Rough marlian April 22, 2020

Royal agricultural university

The “poshest” university in the world, located in the town of cirencester full of toffs who live off mummy and daddy’s money and simply drink the shite out of their livers. Leading over Harper Adams University which no one has ever heard of

“Rah, how many acres do you own” - over heard from most Royal Agriculture University

Reva keen?”- every Royal Agriculture university on Mondays and Wednesdays

“Shall we go shooting?” - Typical Royal Agricultural University Students

by Fattrustfund32 December 4, 2021

University of North Georgia

New name for NGCSU.
Where you go when you either can't get into UGA or Georgia Tech if you only want to mildly disappoint your parents.

When West Point says No and the Citadel is sixty-six thousand a year and unironically the Citadel.

Him: I just got the news, WestPoint didn't accept me.
Me: Have you heard of the University of North Georgia, the forgotten SMC?
Him: No. Do they have a football team or prominent alumni?
Me: No, and sort of. We' re like that one girl on Tinder who will message back, and isn't a scammer.
Him: Good enough for me...

by caesardidnothingwrong December 12, 2021

The centre of the finite universe

The single point (singularity), in the infinite empty dark void, 'Chaos' from which came The Big Bang; also whence the finite universe (a hyper-massive galaxy cluster, in Chaos) was born and spread.

'Some say that The Big Bang created a blackhole at the centre of the finite universe, which all the galaxies inside it orbit.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 12, 2022