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James Madison middle School

That school is full of back stabbing slut faced hoe bags , ugly ass drug addicts, stank teachers , retarded nasty fuckin boys , like the kids are so mother fuckin dumb they set fire to the bathroom like wtf ... Also they literally got rid of the bathroom doors because of kids fucking in the bathrooms . The fuckin hoe ass cracked up hillbilly teachers Are so rude act like just because they are old wrinkly hags m and they can control kids lives . And the perv p.e. teachers be looking in the girls locker rooms

Kid : daddy do I have to James Madison middle School.?? Dad: yes kiddo it's the only school in your district kid : well my friend sarah goes there and she said she saw 2 kids fucking in the bathroom. Dad: .......

by Ligcxfhcfit November 10, 2021

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Bay Creek Middle School

I went to Bay Creek Middle School from 6-8 grade, it was terrible! Literally just look at the reviews on the school. The administrators are mad disrespectful. Ms.Martin is extremely rude and ignorant, she needa stop yelling and sit down. These teachers at Bay Creek ๐Ÿ‘Ž if you have an option to not go to Bay Creek take it!!

bay creek middle school was a terrible school, so glad Iโ€™m finally out of there.

by og_vanover May 29, 2018

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roy martin middle school

Roy Martin is a Ratchet school where they try cover up their image by making it an IB school and giving out iPads but they're so cheap and try to make money out of everything. The magnet kids who think they're cool brag about doing stuff like smoking and stuff but they actually care about their grades and do what's possible to get good grades even if it means cheating and doing stuff last minute. Then there is the stupid ratchet people who judge everyone and do their makeup and they look hella retarded overdoing it with their eyebrows look like its made of a temporary tattoo. Then the kids that think they're cool and the shit staying after school and waiting for their friends and some how can run even though it looks like they'll fall because their pants are a little lower than half way down their ass. I kinda feel bad for them because they have no real best friends. Then there's those kids that are actually smart but not geeks, there's also the people who are obsessed with Anime.

Omg she's so annoying thinking she's the shit like stfu no one likes you, did you see her fake ass eyebrows and the waste of highlight, she looks so cheap and ratchet!

Her school must've been a roy martin middle school.

by StrangerYouDontKnow January 9, 2018

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webb bridge middle school

A middle school located in Georgia, United States. Where teachers are mean, but the fake kids are much worst. Where people will do whatever it takes to put others down. You do not want to go there...

โ€œEw they go to Webb Bridge Middle School, nvm.โ€

by truthandfactsonly January 30, 2019

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Poughkeepsie Middle School

The next most ghetto institution of learning in the Hudson Valley, Next to Poughkeepsie High School. Its primary gangs are KBz KGz TND PLM etc. We have the baddest bishes around incuding Billy, Sha, Zai Paradise Rhynnah, Nelly Nisee etc.

Dont mess wid that nigguh hes from Poughkeepsie Middle School

by OmgheeItsmee May 11, 2011

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Bala Cynwyd Middle School

A public school on the main line that has pretty good teachers and high test scores. 90% of the students are rich white jews, 5% are white non-jews, and 5% are minorities. Everyone thinks there sooo cool because they hook up and play sports when the reality is everyone is a bunch of losers with no lives. Everyone thinks they are slutty but most of them just dress that way. Most kids do pot and get high all the time. Some even come into school rele high and get suspended by the dicky administrators. 6th grade teachers coddle, 7th grade teachers are dicks, 8th grade teachers are the meanest ever. Communique is the only program worth doing because VOC and AWW are the gayest things ever created. If you want to waste your year, do VOC or AWW. So Pretty much, everyone sucks, but you learn a lot.

So thats bala cynwyd middle school for u

by bcslutttttttttttttttttt June 8, 2011

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Twelve Corners Middle School

A typical suburban middle school in Brighton, NY. Mostly populated by bleach-white rich kids who think they are "ghetto aszzed gangstaz from the hoodz," depressed "Sk8tr" meme-ridden weeaboo kids who listen to Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Fallout Boy, Slipknot, and Korn, and typical fake-Guido girls who have decided to waste there lives on imitating the path of Snooki. Literally across the street from the titular Twelve Corners, which hosts a Starbucks, Panera Bread, and Subway among other places.

Yo bitchz dawg this nu weezy shit is lik a $20 joint dawg
- Typical rich white kid from Twelve Corners Middle School pretending to be from the ghetto.

by MeMyselfAndI58395 April 14, 2011

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