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encyclopedia self destructigas

The Encyclopedia of Self Destructive Behaviors which usually end up screwing you over real bad in life

People sometimes display bad behaviors when they read from the Encyclopedia Self Destructigas and then need help fixing there life either by some form of therapy or rehab

by FoxGuardJ May 18, 2023

kyoya self

"kill urself"

- hey YOU, KYOYA SELF!!!

by firgonedibles October 23, 2023

your younger self

Basicly most likely your most cringe memory

Your younger self:waches paw patrol
You now: *cringes

by i honesty have no idea April 26, 2023


Having the feeling of someone breaking inside of your house

And you can’t defend yourself because you’re too aware and scared.

Oh no I feel self-discounted

by GHXSTRXDER October 8, 2023