When someone tries to beat you up so you beat them up to stop them from beating you up.
Person 1 used self defense when Person 2 tried to chase him and grab his weapon. Person 2 seemed to have intent of harming Person 1.
Self-enucleation Is When one mentally ill person wants to take out there eyes it’s a form of self mutation
My friend wants to gouge there eyes out
They must have’ Self-enucleation
The act of listening to Matt Walsh's pod cast.
Person 1: I was listening to Matt Walsh talk about how much he wants to fuck children the other day.
Person 2: Bro, you need to stop doing that. That's digital self harm.
(a black person, undeniably a male) to ejaculate and rub their semen on themselves to try to look white.
Hit vanilla cream to help out with your self esteem
when something thinks everything is about them, and that the world revolves around them. Essentially, they believe everything everyone does is about them
it isn't just about you...you are so self absorbant
When you put a dildo on a shelf and then open and close it over and over again to fuck your own ass
"What were you doing last night?"
"Aw Peter, that's nasty"