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straight lesbian

When a girl is attracted to guys that look like girls/are gay.

Example 1: Kayla is totally in love with Bill Kaulitz. You know that German singer that looks like a girl?

Example 2:
Straight Lesbian: I would so fuck Jeffree Star!

Dude: But He's a total TRANNY!

by Sam Ssssss October 23, 2008

24👍 171👎

straight acting

A gay or lesbian who has to pretend to be straight in order to avoid persecution.

Hey, is Francisco out of the closet?

No, he's straight acting.

by anonymous December 21, 2004

22👍 162👎

Straight Shot

The name you give a girl that you walk right up to and introduce yourself to.

Dude Straight Shot totally wants you!

by bans February 25, 2009

4👍 19👎

straight cut

a jitz term used only by alex le, reffering to a shot that is straight AND a cut. in other words, thats bao shit.

Joseph: Alex, watch my 3-2
Alex: Nawwww b, do a STRAIGHT CUT!

by joe-e@asianavenue.com April 27, 2004

4👍 19👎

damn straight

something gaypeople say when they get rowdy because it makes them feel normal (notice that it says "straight")

Normal guy: Kokanee is the best beer!
normal guy: WTF? I'm sorry, i feel the same way about you

by emilee thai November 16, 2008

16👍 115👎

Super Straight

If male, a person attracted to those born the opposite sex, including Cisgender Females and Transgender Men. If female, a person attracted to those born the opposite sex, including Cisgender Men and Transgender Females. Ironically, a person who is Super Straight can be considered less straight than a typical straight person due to an attraction to Transgender members of the same gender.

“The LGBTQ+ community is currently debating the inclusion of ‘Super Straight’ people”

by theDefiner2357 March 11, 2021

2👍 7👎

Super straight

An idiot who gets no girls/guys and is homophobic. They are also most likely a trumpie

Melissa: hey what’s your sexuality?
Joe: I’m super straight!
Chris: you’ve got to be kidding me...
Jen: oh so you’re homophobic-
Joe: nah I’m just kidding, I’m just straight because super straight isn’t a sexuality.
Melissa: thank god.
Jen: yeah, I was worried there.

by Idkjustsomebodyrandom April 4, 2021

2👍 8👎