Source Code

Drop Anchor

When 8 or more people are involved in the practice of a Dutch Rubber

Luckily John showed up so we had enough people to drop anchor.

by PeterNorth29906 December 31, 2016

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A Latino, Mexican, Central American, etc. girl who sneaks into the U.S. with the sole intention of having a baby--by any means necessary, so that she can take advantage of the U.S. welfare, school, health-care systems.

See term "anchor baby" for further relevance.

Have you driven by the welfare office lately? The whole lot is filled up with anchor-sluts and their anchor-babies. It is disgusting.

by mike87111 June 15, 2011

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Anchor Friend

A friend who is your connection to a more popular, attractive, or successful group of people that you want to associate with. You need to keep the anchor friend happy in order to stay in touch with the desirable group.

They won't come out tonight unless Brad invites them- he's the anchor friend.

by worksintheory November 9, 2010

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droppin anchor

When you take a dump and the poo proceeds to curl at the end of the tail while the stick closer to the anus remains straight......and then its anchor's away!

I was droppin anchor last night at this skank's house and the water that splashed up felt like I was getting an aenima.

by tbone32 September 15, 2006

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Boat Anchor

A large, heavy piece of obsolete technology, usually a computer system or computer server, that has served its useful life and cannot be re-used in any cost-effective way. In other words, junk.

My company just upgraded their data center. You interested in any of these old IBM boat anchors?

by Securix October 25, 2013

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anchor crybaby

a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining about babies, particularly brown ones, born in The United States to illegal immigrants

"We need to put an end to these illegal immigrants coming to America to have babies. It goes against everything that this country was founded on......life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for white people." a quote from an anchor crybaby.

by somedumbdude January 8, 2011

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boat anchor

Engine in a Commodore; Especialy a VB and VC including the V8; lump of shit!

by Anonymous October 2, 2003

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