Source Code

aw fr

Aw fr stands for "aw for real". It's a phase you use when someone says something in a bragging way or good news comes up in a conversation.

Person1: Guys I got an A on my test!
Person2: Aw fr!?!?!

by Starr 21 October 9, 2017

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Aw fuck

What you say when Chuck won't calm down.

"Aw fuck, Chuck's on a killing spree again."

by Haggis McMutton February 8, 2015

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Awful Waffle

The Awful Waffle is the residential building at 432 Park Avenue in Manhattan, NYC. Named for its ugly architecture and overwhelming height.

Person 1: Wow, look at the gorgeous view of the Manhattan sky line!
Person 2: It would be even more beautiful if the Awful Waffle didn't stick out like acne on a preteen.

by joebiden.png June 23, 2016

66๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloody Awful

When something goes gosh-darned wrong or is just a such a rudy nuisance you won't jolly-well put up with it any more! Often something that is bloody awful can make you spill your brandy or cognac. Also something particularly dire, in a disparaging way.

William "I say my man don't you just think that England's performance was bloody awful?"
Commoner "True dat, guv, but bit of a SNAFU anyways tbh."

Interviewer "How do you rate BP at the moment?"
Pelican "Bloody awful!"

by Gediness June 27, 2010

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awe yeee

showing intense pleasure for something.
to be super excited about something.

origins based in mike demas

Bro: what are you doing tonight?
Bro 2: gonna get super drunk and play pong with demas!
Bro: niiiice
Bro 2: awe yeeee

by PepeMonkey September 9, 2010

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The Awful 8

The Top 8 most disgusting videos/pictures on the internet today.

1. BME Pain Olympics
2. 2 Girls 1 Cup
3. Horse Man
4. Kids in a Sandbox
5. Meatspin

1. Tubgirl
2. Lemon Party
3. Goatse

Once you have seen all of the awful 8, you are officially scarred for life.

by Tim Rabies December 14, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Something Awful

A comedy website that was funny about 6 years ago. Has grown into a sprawling mess of arrogance, petulence and tired pseudo-irony. Still has the occasional gem but more often than not misses the mark with its rambling 'comedy' diatribes and just plain depressing forums.
Inclusion of angsty teenager David Thorpe just demonstrates how low the website has sunk.

Something Awful is no longer funny.

by e February 8, 2005

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