The best dog there is in the world. No dog is better than him, benji is cute and deadly and smiles when he poops
Talented german rapper and performer who‘s most famous for his ability to make the crowd go insane.
He‘s a professional in dealing with substances and can get any girl to fall for him because of his crazy dancemoves.
The natural habitat of a Benji is a technoclub or a studio (stacked with joints).
Lovely guy who is needed in every friendgroup
You know Benji? My wife left me for him
is cracked at fortnite and has an 8 inch cock
bro benji is cracked at fortnite and has an 8 inch cock
The sexiest, most fit, hottest dude you’ll ever meet. While he may seem standoffish at first, b it once you get to know him he’ll prove to be a good friend through and through. He has a very large penis and is confident about it. His long luscious hair will make you blush in any style it’s put in. Everyone will have a crush on him, but he’ll stay loyal to that one person and never ever cheat. He may act a little zesty at times….but he swears he’s not gay.
Benji is the greatest most grandiose person to ever exist.