somebody that you love and know that you can be a total doofus around. they would never judge you (unless it's super funny) and they will be there when you are down in the dumps. you would probably refer to each other as Best friend
bff1- hey best friend. I'm sad
bff2- *buys literally everything you like to make you happy
Well, best friend my best friend is Oliver holdton-griffin. You need a best friend like him!
Oh hey best friend!
Best friend: oh hey you look good!
Aw ty
one of them gotta be ugly
i aint never seen two pretty best friends, always one of them gotta be ugly
he is the biggest asshole you know but you both have every interest
your Best Friend: hey can i have some of yo chips?
You: No
Your Best F:riend ( leans over and takes all of your chips)
You: fuck you
Your Best Friend: fuck you to.
You: wanna play some SMASH BROS
Your Best Friend : sure
Krystek Robakiewicz aka Tuki Tuki.
Krys is the best friend a person can ask for
When the maddest hoe’s combine their forces and create the strongest bond that no boomer could ever break
Teacher: “And what is your guys’s relationship?”
Crackhead 1: “we are best friends”
Crackhead 2: “heck yes”
The person that is always there for you. If you fall when your with your friend , yeah they'll help you up and maybe giggle or something. BUT WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND if you fall they will laugh their head off for 2 hours and then help you up. Your best friend is the one that you don't wanna kill if they slap your sandwich out of your hand. But if someone that is just your FRIEND does that, they are dead in 2 seconds. Your best friend is your homie. Your sister / brother. You know what go to your best friend right now and thank them, for being them. Let them know, it might just make their day. You know what, you might have two. Three. Five even! I don't know. It doesn't matter though. They are yours, and will be forever. Do not let them go. It will be the worst regret of your life. Thank you for your time.
Bestfriends fighting:
Bsf 1:" I hate you! "
Bsf 2: *hurt* " Yeah well I hate you too!"
Bsf 1: *regrets and feels miserable*
Bsf 2: *upset*
Bsf 1: "im sorry."
Bsf 2: "it's okay"
Bsf 1: "ily. i missed you so much"
Bsf 2: "same"