Big Sphincter Energy or "BSE" is the substitute phrase for "assholes" when the internet is inevitably censored and we can't mock billionaires anymore.
"Yeah, that Blue Origin just reeks of BSE"
"If his attitude had a smell, it would be unfettered ass. I'm feeling utterly stifled by that big sphincter energy!"
another word for big (men’s private part) energy🤞🏽😝😝😝
Me: that man gives big Güinie energy
Her: fs fs big Güinie energy!
The opposite of BDE
These dating apps are full of Big Ick Energy.
A way to describe a woman who is typically uninhibited, butch, and tumultuous.
“Pat Butcher gives big minge energy!”
The same definition as "Big Dick Energy". Means someone gives off the type of feeling that makes you think they have a large dong.
"Michael is giving off Big Energy."
When someone is nearly unable to take a joke, and take everything seriously
"Bro I was talking to this chick last night, and said I wanna die as a joke, and she got all worried and shit"
"Bro she might have big finnish energy"
A person who always takes jokes to seriously, and takes things personally
"Bro I said this chick was a jerk last night, and she stormed off"
"Don't worry bro she probably just had big finnish energy