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Birthday Deal

A birthday deal is an agreement made between a guy and his girlfriend/wife. Every year, on Partner A's birthday, Partner B will do what's agreed upon in the birthday deal. Partner B will likely agree to the terms of the birthday deal in exchange for having his/her own.

The birthday deal was introduced nationally on the second episode of Rules of Engagement called, "The Birthday Deal."

Woman- "For my birthday deal we're gonna get mani's, pedi's, facials and then watch romantic movies till I fall asleep in your arms. What do you want for your birthday honey?"

Man- "Oh you'll be getting a facial alright..."

by nakedlove April 7, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beyond Birthday

A sexy man who is after L in Another Note: LABB Murder Case. More commonly referred to as BB. He looks exactly like L. He is not a cannibal as most people thnk, but he is insane.

person 1: "what are u doing?"
person2: "I am a corpse. i cannot answer because i am dead."
person 1: "stop trying to be Beyond Birthday."

by LiquidSugar November 27, 2008

156๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birthday Eve

A day invented by spoiled bitches implying that the day they were born is worthy of two days of celebration.

Jenny: OMFG It's my birthday Eve!! What'd you get me?
Karl: Get a grip bitch.
Jenny: :(

by AD. 1986 April 19, 2008

125๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

birthday sex

having sex to celebrate your parents having sex

Guy:"do you want to have birthday sex?"
Girl:"you celebrating my parents having sex"

by calmyourtiddies March 3, 2020

49๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birthday Season

Broadly defined period of time before and/or after one's birthday in which friends and family can legitimately give you a card, gift, party, dinner out etc in celebration of your birthday. This allows multiple friends and family the opportunity to have their own time with you without competing or feeling bad because they couldn't do anything the "real" day.

The term Birthday Season is usually said somewhat "tongue in cheek" and is not universally observed. Where it is recognized, it varies from person to person , or group to group as to what is an acceptable period of time. In some circles, the birthday season lasts only ~2 weeks. Certainly among family, SOME sort of celebration should take place within a week or so of the actual birthday, so as not to make the birthday person feel neglected.

But among friends, if the birthday person or their friends are very busy, or if the birthday person has many separate circles of friends wishing to celebrate with him/her, it may be necessary to extend the season up to a month after the actual birthday. A birthday season is seldom extended more than a week BEFORE the actual birthday, however, as this might make the birthday itself seem anticlimactic if further celebrations do not occur.

If celebrating a person's birthday, in whatever form, will happen after the fact, it is customary to at least give them a call or an email within a day or two (whenever possible) to wish them Happy Birthday and let them know of your intentions.

Ex 1: I was feeling bad that I hadn't been able to take Jan out to dinner yet to celebrate her birthday, and hadn't even gotten her gift to her yet. "No worries," she laughed." I firmly believe in the idea of a "Birthday Season." When things settle down at work for you we can get together. Heck, I figure anything in July is still "on time". And if my Birthday Season stretches into August, even better!!! I love being celebrated over and over!!!"

Ex 2: I called Lissa to wish her a Happy Birthday....and told her we'd have to get together later in her "Birthday Season" since I'll be out of town for a couple weeks. She said that was fine....her Birthday Season was looking pretty scheduled up before that anyway...and she hated it when it came to an end, so she was glad she had something to look forward to later!!

by SeaKat July 1, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birthday Makeup

When a girl wears too much poorly put on makeup, typically worn on their birthday.

Look at Brittany over there, she has birthday makeup on at the gym.

by Markistador December 13, 2021

78๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

birthday drunk

Drunk beyond all responsibility.

"Dude, last night you slapped my mom's ass, tried making out with timmy's girlfriend, took a piss on that plant over in the corner, and almost lit Melanie on fire."

"Yo, man. I was fucking birthday drunk. You can't blame me for that shit."

by Kevin20012001 January 14, 2007

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