noun; a person who fancies himself/herself extraordinarily intelligent, and well versed in one or many subjects, when, in reality, he/she is not. He/She is blinded by arrogance and self-righteousness. He/She will never think he/she is wrong, nor will he/she admit that someone else was right in retrospect. It is hard to maintain a relationship with him/her, and he/she may even cause damage to the people around him/her because he/she is so caught up in his/her own opinions and ideas that he/she neglects to consider any other possibility is valid.
adjective; marked by self-righteous arrogance and unjustified egotism
Used in noun form: "He is definitely a snitch-bitch boy."
Used in adjective form: "That's such snitch-bitch boy behavior!"
that time of year where boys are bratty and always bitch about everything
“What is ethan’s problem lately?”
“It’s bitch boy szn”