Consuming mushrooms and molly (MDMA) at the same time
"Dude I got so messed up last night"
"I was cali flipping"
word replacement for Fuck off, annoyed, shut-up and thats enough.
Man: I am tired of working with that lazy kid
Dude: we fired him once already, Cali UP
Hungry dog from the commercials asking for donations
There's hungry Cali Qs all over your a lucky dog.
Telling some you hate/stalker/girlfriend that you broke your leg and moved to California where every night you will have to submit your phone to the ward because you're a juvenile delinquent.
Do you still talk to anne?
No im pulling a cali
A juice that is exclusive for rich people to drink in summer
When your thirsty in summer, u can sip Cali juice
When you have a bitch floss your butt hair with her teeth and then eats the dingle berries
Bro this chick was so nasty she actually gave me a Cali crumcake
The catch-all nationality for people having physical and cultural characteristics that are clearly not native to the United States of America but they only talk “valleyspeak".
Whitey A to Whitey B:
"So I got rejected for a rent controlled apartment AGAIN this year."
Whitey B to Whitey A:
"Dude you're too plain... not cali-foreign enough"