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Pee on Carl

1. A corrupt version of "Please Go Online to ICarly.com"

2. A comeback for any insult.

1. "What were you thinking?! Putting up a sign telling people to Pee on Carl!" ~ Officer Carl

2. Person 1 - yo momma is so stupid she tripped on a cordless phone while tying to drown a goldfish.

Person 2 - Oh go Pee on Carl you prick!

by auron June 1, 2013

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carl Edwards

a racy sex position where a man fornicates with a woman from behind, while both are standing up. The man procedes to "drive" the woman around the room pretending he is on the last lap at talladega.

after a few cold busch lights and a day at the brickyard I went home and gave my wife the ol' carl Edwards.

by nastynascar69 March 21, 2009

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Carls Jr

1. Fast food chain whose mascot is a smiling star. Popular all around, but moreso in certain locales.
2. Depicted in the movie "Idiocracy" as it is now, though fully automatic and capable of taking custody of the children of difficult income customers. Does so because they wish to see every family eat. Future items of choice are "Extra Big Ass Fries" and "Extra Big Ass Tacos".

"Carls Jr. 'Fuck you, I'm eating'"

"Your children will taken into the custody of Carls Jr."

by AlterationA April 2, 2008

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Carl Grimes

Sexy fucker who is also good at killing zombies and eating chocolate pudding.

idk what to write here so just watch the walking dead and your life will be complete

ps. stan carl grimes/chandler riggs for clear skin

by i dont love you December 19, 2020

grandpa carl

When a fat, hairy, man over 40 years old (preferably a grandfather) makes inappropriate sexual comments to girls at work that are half his age. You will know a grandpa carl by the nascar pictures on his desk and a tendency to eat salted mixed nuts.

Did you hear what he said to the new girl? If anyone other than grandpa carl said that we would be in HR.

by clarc31 January 23, 2007

big Carl

The shit u take after u drunk eat way too much at a Carl's Jr.

Jimmy woke up with a hangover and took 2 big Carls before breakfast.

by walterc April 7, 2013

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Carl Wheezer

1. Jimmy Neutron's overweight friend who has too many allergies to list

2. He is highly obsessed with llamas. ( IT'S NOT HEALTHY )

3. He can basically eat anything.

4. How can a boy who has severe allergies to every imaginable thing (except llamas) and yet still can eat ANYTHING?

5. He's a Momma's Boy

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (Movie)
the aliens are making the parents do a chicken dance

Nick: They're making our parents dance so lame.

Carl: No, my dad really dances like that.

Jimmy: What girl wants to dance with a guy who looks like he should still be in Gymboree?

Carl: quietly I didn't think we liked girls yet, Jim.

Jimmy: Oh, we don't, we don't, no, not yet. However, one day, Carl, an influx of hormones that we can't control will overpower our better judgment and drive us to pursue the female species against our will.

Carl: Hey, this astronaut food isn't too bad.

Jimmy: That's toothpaste, Carl.

Carl: Oh. Minty.

Carl Wheezer: Weee. Llamas, llamas, llamas.

by somebody//AWESOME August 8, 2011

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