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That person who is always friendly to your face, they make plans that sound good, but they're nowhere to be found when the time comes for them to put theyre money where their mouth is.

"I dont fuck with them caspers, but theyre the friendliest ghosts."

by PuroNuro May 8, 2018


Some1 who fucking lies a lot

Yo I found 100 dollars

Stop fucking lying ima call you casper

by Lil. G July 29, 2020




by November 7, 2021


He is a devil, vampire who likes to wear Japanese girl clothes, he is very shy and acts dumb

Casper might be gay

by KingDittoS September 14, 2020


The ugliest guy to ever exist if you have a casper get him out your life as he’s not worth your time and he’s always gonna disappoint you!

It helps understand the name casper

by Casperzsz June 1, 2020


Ein Rapper, der im deutschspravjigen Raum das Nonexistente Genre "Emo Rap" gegründet hat und somit die deutsche Emo-Szene komplett zerstört hat.

Seine Texte ist typisch klischee-behaftete "Depri-Zeugs", über Suizid, SVV und etc.

"Hey schau. Der Typ nennt sich selbst Emo und hört Casper"
"N weiterer Poser, der glaubt, dass Casper Emo ist. Als ob es schon nich genug von demen gibt"

by T.x.Y.x (TheFakerKiller) November 7, 2018


To be in a simultaneous ghosting situation and be the first person to pop back in.

Example: I think he and I are ghosting eachother. And I kinda wanna ask, but I don't wanna be the first one to Casper.

by LilSooz March 25, 2022