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Burnt Catfish

A person who uses many filters, lighting and knows their angles precisely to make pictures likeable. When person is seen in person does not look anything like their online presence. Attractive in pictures vs. in reality. Visually unappealing. Technically not a catfish but altered version.

I met her in person and turned out she was a burnt catfish in person.

by Htuocles May 7, 2016

Catfish mouth

A rash, burn, or swelling around the mouth caused by friction during oral sex with an individual who has stubbly or coarse pubic hair. Resulting in a similar look to a Catfish mouth.

Omg, do you see that girl with catfish mouth? It’s obvious what she’s been doing.

by Ivansmash October 5, 2021

Catfishing Yourself

Talking to two different people, with similar names, on social media. Flirting with the ugly one, mistaking them for the attractive one

I was talking to two girls named Nay. I started flirting with the wrong one. Now I cant get rid of her. That's what happens when you end up Catfishing Yourself

by Ninja Nerd Warrior May 10, 2018

Catfish daddy

The sound of a man’s sultry voice vibrating in your ear while you fantasize about the delicious fried fish.

Mmm catfish daddy

by RageGawdess January 27, 2022

catfish baby

A catfish baby is when a female fakes a pregnancy along with fake ultrasounds or an ultrasound of someone else's baby to go with the lie

I can't believe she faked a pregnancy for 9 months and had a baby shower for this catfish baby

by Xavier Darkmoon February 5, 2019

Corona Catfish

Someone that looks attractive with a mask on, and ugly when they take it off.

I didn’t know he was a corona catfish until we went to dinner together and I saw him take off his mask.

by Anpala February 2, 2021

Reverse catfish

Someone who looks better in real life than on their social media

Woahhhhhh Yusuf looks so hot in real life, he really reverse catfished me

by Shakywarrrior January 3, 2022