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Cesar, also known as satan.

In the publics eyes he is loved but behind closed doors he shows his horns.

Cesar's are often abusive to people who can't fight for themselves, who can't run or hide. They mentally and physically attack the underdog until they break and become submissive. They are narcissist who never admit that they did wrong. Often using themselves in the third person, forces compassion on abused family. They are materialistic, and hide that they are a real pos they make their family pretend that nothing ever happened and that they are a happy loving family in front of other people. Cesar... the Satan of earth.

Public "Cesar you are such an amazing father"
Family "Cesar stop hitting me"
Cesar "I am Cesar be submissive I own you"

by Rainbow666 November 27, 2022



Damn Cesar is fucking gay.

by sunsetz December 8, 2021


Cesar is the name of a neckbeard. Cesar is a cool guy, but he likes to bullshit a lot. You never know what he’s talking about or if you should believe him. He is obsessed with poop and ugly chicks. He’s a little on the scrawny side, but he’ll definitely knock you out with his man bun. Don’t fuck with Cesar or his boyfriend, Jared, will let you have it.

Hey you know Cesar?”

by SchrodingersNutsack February 21, 2020


Cesar is one of the best and most trustworthy friend. He is tall and has a great muscular body. He's also were outgoing and meets a lot of girls. Girls easily fall in love with him. But actually he's just enjoying their company without starting something serious because he is one of the good guys.
Also when he's at home he tries so summon Cthulhu, illustrates the Necronomicon and licks on fishballs.

"This guy did something totally unexpected... such a Cesar"

by Cahira1000 June 28, 2017


Cesar is my pendejo best friend.

Look its pendejo Cesar!

by Weirdss November 14, 2022


Someone who loves bachata. You're lucky if you have him

Cesar knows how to dance

by hotsexyladies125 March 13, 2022


Man that says nigger a lot

Cesar: I hate NIGGERS

by monkeygentleman November 13, 2022