A God-Tier Game everyone should play
Jamal: Hey you got Clash
DeAndre: Yea, wanna play?
The act of jumping up and fisting a girls vagina really hard while screaming CHERRY BLOSSOM CLASH.
Time for my special move ;) Cherry Blossom Clash!
A person who takes no skill at aiming, then brags about how the weapon actually takes skill.
Someone who runs around in class and bullies little kids.
This guy is such a bully, he's a class in clash.
Wow, that guy has a HUGE clash of clans kingdom 😳
A guy named Robin who plays clash royale 24/7. His name is also some thing very childish.
Did you see Robin Clash Royale?
No he is probably playing clash royale again!
He is so addicted!
a special dream that happens every 69 years, and is prophesied to herald a golden age of coc by the one who dreamt it. Historical records state that the first person to have this dream was Fatboy, rest in peace.
Hey Randy, I had The Clash Dream last night.
Honestly? Fatboy had it first