A really bad way of spelling "cause" or "because". Reject muggy people use it 'cuz' they don't know how to spell.
i want to go there cuz it looks good.
Brotha, cousin, homes/homie, crip. Cuz is used to call a cousin for short as "cuz" and other than that, is used most likely used in the hood, where them ghetto homies be calling eachother cuz or mostly used when niggas be calling niggas cuz whom are crips and whom are in gang sets. Just don't say "cuz" where there be bloods, you'll get ur ass shot for opening ur mouth in the wrong hood cuz..
Aye cousin Kian ? Cuz ??
I'm a blood bitch! ( GUNSHOT )!
1 . short version of because.
2. homie/friend
"it’s cuz I have math class"
"whatup cuz"
Cuz is referring to people that like to vape together or gas up
Friend 1: Hey cuz can I rip some bem(vape)
Friend 2: I’ll swing now
Friend 1: ayy yo cuz did you refill the bem(vape)
Friend 2: Nah g we out of gas (juice for vape)
Shortening of “because” CUZ us teenagers are to lazy to write out the entire word
Mom : Why are you eating again ?
Son : Cuz I was hungry
A name people call each other referring to each other as a bro or a buddy it a friend.
What up cuz?
I got the money cuz.