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pause designs

Creators of the best T-Shirts in the world, created by Eric Pause

There is a great variety of shirts, belts, and pants created by pasudesigns

All of these T-Shirts can be found on pausedesigns.com

pause designs, the Chainsaw panda img.moonbuggy.org/punched-in-the-nose/

by TheFederalNerd June 1, 2011

reality design

The design and implementation of a customized reality for an individual or a group of individuals to live in.

After working as a graphic designer in New York City, that profession's capital, for two decades, I turned to designing my own personal reality and call myself a Reality Designer, an individual who practices reality design.

Reality design observes and documents the current reality and finds ways to modify it to fit the needs of the client. It usually entails blocking out undesired things and supplanting them with desired things, as well as finding ways to facilitate the development and eventual realization of other desired situations and conditions which do not happen overnight.

by but for February 26, 2018

Designated Walker

To be the sober one walking all the drunk people home.

Amy, Hannah, Lauren and Ashley went to a party in town. The designated walker(s) were Ashley and Lauren. Amy and Hannah decided to leave the party but were to drunk to walk home alone, so the designated walker(s) (Lauren and Ashley) walked them home.

by amybroook March 15, 2014

Grand Designs

Theoretical elaborations that sound great on paper but never get to be implemented or fail terrible when they do.

The candidate's plans for government are just grand designs.

Le Corbusier buildings are just grand designs.

by allsaid June 7, 2017

designer hoe

Want fake/over rated clothes so bad ud probably hoe for them

Boy:all i wear is trues and u wear levis broke nigga
Boy#2: go pose in a mirror nigga u a designer hoe

by chamaquito September 26, 2014

Designated Diver

A designated diver is someone who swims on behalf of somebody who either, cannot swim, tries to swim with electronics and/or is too drunk to swim.

Person One: My mom broke her phone, she was drunk and went swimming with it.

Person Two: She needs a "designated diver'

by RitchardCrafty October 5, 2015

design blind

adj. that describes individuals who are unable to recognize excellent design. Design blindness is a disorder that surpasses mere difference in taste and is typically coupled with a stubborn insistence on pursuing their own unpopular designs.

The bane of designers everywhere, design blind individuals produce efforts that are fraught with clashing colors, outdated layouts, poor lighting, complete disregard for Feng Shui, gross lack of balance, and copious examples of poor font, fabric, and furniture choices that result in generally-recognized eyesores.

I might be tone deaf, but at least I'm not design blind.

Did you see that horrendous website? Whoever made that atrocity is clearly design blind.

Your client isn't unappreciative; she's just design blind.

I want to gouge my eyes out after looking at the work of that design blind scribble monkey.


by wanderlustjunkie June 9, 2018