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Attention seeking. Would do anything, even if it is dangerous, or disgraceful to your family to achieve attention.

He's so Declan that he jumped off that bridge.

by Zairs2 December 3, 2019


He seems like a nice guy but then he will break ur heart and u will misss him soo much that u will have a few mental breakdowns but then one of his friends will expose him to you that’s he is a perv.

Person 1: Declan is so nice

Me : that’s what I thought

by Heartbrokenbabe July 7, 2019


A perfect big bro that is super protective and funny, he’s a dick sometimes but can make you laugh in almost any situation. He has a big sense of humor that most love. If you find one keep him even when he’s a dick, he always apologizes

Oh wow, look over there Declan is such a dick

by Rotten0potato July 5, 2018

1👍 1👎


A red headed male who gets all the girls and is a sex icon around the town and is very athletic

God I wish I was Declan

by Younggavin November 29, 2019


A shit cunt, person who is tall and cares for no one. Declan can't even get a girl, he basically sucks in every aspect of life

Declan can't get a girl

by SkylineR33 November 23, 2021


Declan is the best person ive ever met. he makes me happy and i make him happy. he loves staying up all night, his electronics, and the outside. whilst he is not the best at texting he is great to have a conversation with. he dosent smile a lot, other than when were togather. emotion is somthing he dont sho either. he has a very dark sense of humor and is hilarious. he is alos a pretty good hand holder

Declan: *smiles*
Everyone: What is this? I didnt know it could do this?

by the_secret_hermit September 11, 2019


the boy that means more to me than anything else in the world. he’s unbelievably kind and sweet. he’s so so handsome and i just wanna spend forever with him. his smile alone can put me in a good mood no matter what.

i love you declan

by ihatefurries August 12, 2023