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cigars or stogies, preferably honeytimes

doms, hey sean.. lets haaavvveeee a dom lol gage

by D-Ball Kingofthecoast February 14, 2008

34πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


A man who has no attraction to himself, how ever still manages to punch above his weight with birds on nights out to then in which he shits himself and goes home scared he will not satisfy her. At this point he then let’s his pals β€˜bang’ whilst trying to masturbate to the thought of what could have been.

Did you shag that bird last night then or what?
Naar I pulled another Dom and she went to my mates flat

by Chamboooo116 July 28, 2019

2πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Are u domming? Comes from the root word dome as in head. Means are u giving head?

Susy are u domming?

Boy please you better gone.

by {amber} June 6, 2007

13πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

The Dom

When you have every STD you could think of. This is so bad your penis might fall off. Its the blue waffle of penis

I went to the doctors and he said I'm fucked I have the Dom

by Hahahahahahahqh July 5, 2017

26πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A 'Do-able Old Man'. A mature gentleman who is still physically desirable. A male MILF.

cindy, you're dad's such a DOM

by cake500 June 3, 2005

14πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


To dominate, own, pwn. Originated in Redding, CT.

"We totally dommed the other team last night!"

by haffeysucks December 7, 2006

11πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

dommy dommy dom dom

dommy dommy dom dom is a sexy lil beast that is one of a kind that can spank you like you wouldn't believe!
dommy dommy dom dom can also be refered as daddy dom as they both follow the daddy dom rules

"dommy dommy dom dom!!! spank meeeee!"

by The One And Only Daddy Dom! August 22, 2017

12πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž