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Dubstep Junkie

Someone who is obsessed with Dubstep. And I mean OBSESSED.

"Bro, why do you ALWAYS listen to dubstep?"
"Because I'm obsessed."
"You're such a Dubstep Junkie."

by littlehighbunnyo.o August 18, 2011

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Filthy dubstep

Filthy (or dirty) is a word used to describe modern dubstep that is wild, heavy, and over the top. Most dubstep listeners consider it a compliment to a song, though song prefer more controlled and on the hook songs.

That drop was filthy!

Dude, got any filthy dubstep?

by CromBomb June 22, 2016

dubstep blueballs

In a song (genre dubstep) there is no drop and there for you anticipate a drop yet none will come

Dude that song gave me dubstep blueballs

by yolobizzil May 22, 2014

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Dubstep Wank

Wanking while listening to dubstep, preferably while watching porn.

1. Hey are you listening to dubstep? yeh I'm having a dubstep wank now piss off.

by ManlyFriedEgg January 19, 2011

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Tearout Dubstep

A very dark, loud and brostep-alike style of dubstep style, which has almost none of subbass melodies and very eerie screeching middle drops, which leads many times to be labeled as deathstep...

Dude, have you heard that Tearout Dubstep tune by NIMDA & BASSPLASMA? I wouldn't play it in a church !!!!!!

by Y@ss3 May 6, 2020

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bt dubstep

Slang of a slang of a slang. By the way became btw became bt dubs is now bt dubstep. For those who wub music.

You have the red Ford out front? Well, it's on fire, bt dubstep.

Bt dubstep, I love it when the bass drops.

by C0mm4m4n October 13, 2011

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melodic dubstep

A kind of dubstep which has a recognizable tune inside it, bass and high-pitched screams not included.

See also: oxymoron.

Melodic dubstep is like an ethical politician: neither can possibly exist, even though life would be 1000ร— better with them.

by hamuka December 26, 2014

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